Alrighty folks, for those of you who haven't seen Ric's letter yet (or, if you have, the deal works either way), we've got some deals for y'all! The restaurants didn't load up on our 2006 Vintage as much as usual, so we have some extra bottles lying around and want to send 'em your way! They will be available at the price the restaurant's pay and will contribute to Ric's Better Baseball Seat Fund*: $39/750 ml bottle or $468/case + sh and tax. E-mail ric@karllawrence.com for more info.
In other news - Margaret Friedrich (dedicated KL customer and long-time friend of the Henry clan) and the Saint Helena Soroptimists are teaming up with Clif/Luna, KL, and others to help host this years LUNAFEST. Lunafest is a series of short films by, about, and for women and will be premiering at the Cameo Cinema in Saint Helena on November 4th at 5:30. All the proceeds benefit Girls on the Run and Napa Emergency Women's Services (NEWS).
Well... the gang here at Karl Lawrence sure does love women, so go support a great cause, visit Lunafest's online auction and website, and, hopefully, end up drinking some great wine:
Info: www.lunafest.org
*Seeing as the Giants are now in the NL Championship Series, those closer seats are looking mighty fine.
It's great that there are promotion codes everyone can take advantage when you sign up for a wine club. This way you save more and enjoy the benefits of being a member like wine tasting.