Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Checking In -

Howdy folks. Sorry for the hiatus. Just to let y'all know, Karl Lawrence is now holding walk-in tastings every Saturday and Sunday from 2-6 pm at the office. The lovely Emily here will be entertaining you, if you decide to visit us:

Emily (right)

Also, after five and a half months of spring, and just two weeks of summer, harvest has finally begun. Here's a photo of the harvest crew picking our Beckstoffer-Dr. Crane fruit outside the KL office:

Here's a photo sent to us from John Rowley and Phil Stafford. They enjoyed KL on a "sunny Chicago afternoon":

We would love to see where you guys are drinking our wine. So send us your pics!

In other, non-wine related, news, the San Francisco Giants are in the world series and our Raiders beat the snot out of the Denver Broncos. Being from the Napa Valley, we're able to pick and choose from our Bay Area sports teams.

Here's Nicholas, the Ric Henry Clan's youngest, happily taking in his Coloradan girlfriend Angie's "dismay" at Mile High:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Episode Two

Finally, it's here! Featuring Nicholas's best homie since the age of four, the much anticipated, critically acclaimed Ric's Napa Valley Wine Country has released its second installment. So, without further ado, here 'tis:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wine Night or what you will...

Alrighty folks, for those of you who haven't seen Ric's letter yet (or, if you have, the deal works either way), we've got some deals for y'all! The restaurants didn't load up on our 2006 Vintage as much as usual, so we have some extra bottles lying around and want to send 'em your way! They will be available at the price the restaurant's pay and will contribute to
Ric's Better Baseball Seat Fund*: $39/750 ml bottle or $468/case + sh and tax. E-mail for more info.

In other news - Margaret Friedrich (dedicated KL customer and long-time friend of the Henry clan) and the Saint Helena Soroptimists are teaming up with Clif/Luna, KL, and others to help host this years LUNAFEST. Lunafest is a series of short films by, about, and for women and will be premiering at the Cameo Cinema in Saint Helena on November 4th at 5:30. All the proceeds benefit Girls on the Run and Napa Emergency Women's Services (NEWS).

Well... the gang here at Karl Lawrence sure does love women, so go support a great cause, visit Lunafest's online auction and website, and, hopefully, end up drinking some great wine:

*Seeing as the Giants are now in the NL Championship Series, those closer seats are looking mighty fine.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

KL's European Skateboarding Front

Despite not having anything to do with the wine world, Ric has insisted on the posting of this Youtube chronicling of Nicholas skateboarding in Barcelona. So if you're bored at work and you dig skateboarding and beer drinking, or don't, watch this:


Also, here is a photo Ann Ryan submitted of a Karl Lawrence camping encounter in the high Sierra:

Karl Lawrence at Bowman Lake.

If any of y'all would like to submit some groovy photos of you and your Karl Lawrence, e-mail them to us at, and we'll post 'em on here.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

KL Bluesin' on the High Seas

So, recently, Ric has been quite ecstatic due to Karl Lawrence's swift new move into the Rhythm and Blues' Cruise's national spotlight:

You might have to squint to see it, but, sure enough, on the front page, Curtis Salgado sports the famous KL hat. Curtis Salgado plays the harmonica, sings, and fronts his own band and has been coined as John Belushi's inspiration for the 1980 classic: The Blues Brothers.

A French reenactment of the poster that hangs in Ric and Cheryl's bathroom.
"The most destructive team since nitro and glycerine."

In other news, to keep up with tradition, Karl Lawrence recently poured at Staglin Music Festival for Mental Health:

Shari Staglin and Glenn Close at the podium.

KL son-in-law Chris Pratt shows Karen and Neil Aldority of 55 degrees Saint Helena and the Bivens' from Napa the caves of his workplace.

KL customers Rex and Holly Oteham pose with Garren Staglin and Gay and John Greise. Ric claims to have given Garren a bigger pour of KL because he's Chris's Boss.

The next day the Indiana natives visited Henry Brothers' Ranch where Ric entertained them with some more KL.

To finish up this update, we are very pleased to announce that Ric made it to his @#th birthday this past weekend:

Blowing out countless candles with Indiana, Zoey, and Jasper at Lissa's new jungle hideaway.

The next day, the Jameson's took the birthday boy to watch the San Francisco Giants' Barry Zito prohibit them from clinching the title a day early (however they eventually succeeded).

Ric looking thrilled that he's a year older. If you would like to see Ric with closer seats next year, feel free to buy more wine.

For more information on Curtis Salgado and Staglin: