So, recently, Ric has been quite ecstatic due to Karl Lawrence's swift new move into the Rhythm and Blues' Cruise's national spotlight:
You might have to squint to see it, but, sure enough, on the front page, Curtis Salgado sports the famous KL hat. Curtis Salgado plays the harmonica, sings, and fronts his own band and has been coined as John Belushi's inspiration for the 1980 classic: The Blues Brothers.

A French reenactment of the poster that hangs in Ric and Cheryl's bathroom.
"The most destructive team since nitro and glycerine."
In other news, to keep up with tradition, Karl Lawrence recently poured at Staglin Music Festival for Mental Health:

Shari Staglin and Glenn Close at the podium.

KL son-in-law Chris Pratt shows Karen and Neil Aldority of 55 degrees Saint Helena and the Bivens' from Napa the caves of his workplace.
KL customers Rex and Holly Oteham pose with Garren Staglin and Gay and John Greise. Ric claims to have given Garren a bigger pour of KL because he's Chris's Boss.
The next day the Indiana natives visited Henry Brothers' Ranch where Ric entertained them with some more KL.
To finish up this update, we are very pleased to announce that Ric made it to his @#th birthday this past weekend:

Blowing out countless candles with Indiana, Zoey, and Jasper at Lissa's new jungle hideaway.
The next day, the Jameson's took the birthday boy to watch the San Francisco Giants' Barry Zito prohibit them from clinching the title a day early (however they eventually succeeded).
Ric looking thrilled that he's a year older. If you would like to see Ric with closer seats next year, feel free to buy more wine.
For more information on Curtis Salgado and Staglin: