Again, pardon the lack of posts, folks, but we assure you we've been working hard in our absence from the blog. We've been catching up on things like...
Nicholas, Cheryl, and Cheryl's mom, Betty, on spring break in San Diego.
...Going to concerts!
Ric with Danielle of traveling family blues band, Trampled Under Foot. Based out of the blues-capital Kansas City, Ric and Cheryl saw both of TUF's first shows ever played west of Colorado. Biscuits and Blues.

Nick, brother of Danielle, shows the audience how to Jimi.
... The work here has been so tough, we've even managed to...
"Enjoy" ourselves at Disney Land.
Indi, Zoey, and Betty in the Tea Cups, finally winding up a long day.
...And... Get our Tahoe on.
Jeff and Matthew snowboard while Ric drinks beers in the hot tub (below).

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