Meet John Caruana and Denny Anderson, folks. A couple of weeks ago, up from Mill Valley and Novato, these two brought a party of their own to the KL office.
Denny, a Karl Lawrence affiliate since '95, showed up with a vertical of the '95 to '98 and the '04-'08. Seeing how this is quite a bit of wine, even for us, the tasting party lasted a good five hours.
After all was said and done, the consensus was this: 1. While all of the wines were good, they seemed a little past their prime. 2. One person loved the '95 for the first hour, but didn't like it a little later. 3. The '98 was the "most powerful of the bunch."
So, in the end, our tasting panel's unanimous decision is to drink your KL from last century, now. Quit saving it for that special occasion. Take your corkscrew on down to that cellar of yours, pop open a few bottles of Karl Lawrence cab, and drink the '90s away.
That special occasion is now.
Take it from John and Denny, ladies and gentlemen, and have a wine party of your own.