Pardon the hiatus folks, but we have been lamenting in defeat... Despite the fact that Karl Lawrence usually finishes in first place, we're sad to inform you that the KL team, The Flaming 8 Ball Jackets made it to the championship, only to lose.

The entirety of the Jackets shortly after their win to put them in the championship.
Right to Left: Drew "The Rainmaker" Sager, Jake "Cherry Eyes" Craney, Worthington Worthington, Dr. Tan Legs, Crashtian "The Flying Alaskan" Lendé, Nate Dogg Kinney, and Matthew Von Baron Meyer (famous CU Football Buffs special teamer)
But they made an epic run to the championship. In one game, they were down 10 points with 1:05 left in the game, played some killer defense, hit a few 3-pointers, and came out up by 2. In the next game, they came back to win from a 12 point deficit, not scoring for the first 11 minutes of the game.
But, despite the momentum train rolling, they lost in the championship game to MIT by 7 points. MIT appeared to be made up mostly of international students, studying abroad at CU. At least the Jackets were able to give them some good memories of America.

The Sad Alaskan after the defeat.
You might be asking: "So how is this relevant to Karl Lawrence?"
Easy. After the wins, The Jackets drank a lot of Karl Lawrence... After the loss, they drank a lot of Karl Lawrence.
Bad. News. Bears. But not to worry! The Jackets are enrolled for another round and we'll keep you posted as the new season progresses.
Stay tuned, for further KL news and Trampled Under Foot! And if you're sick of reading about intramural basketball, we would rather hear your stories! So, again, e-mail 'em to us at

Dr. Tan Legs most likely missing the jumper.